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All Classes All Packages


AbstractCall<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Abstract class for all function calls in salt.
AbstractEventStream - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Implements basic listener bookkeeping for EventStream.
AbstractEventStream() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.AbstractEventStream
accept(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key
Adapters - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Strict null rejecting primitive type adapters.
Adapters() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.Adapters
add(String, LocalCall<?>, LocalDateTime, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Schedule
Schedule a salt call for later execution on the minion
add(String, String, String, String, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Git
add(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.AbstractEventStream
Adds a listener.
addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EventStream
Adds a listener.
ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
ALL - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Glob
allstatus() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
append(String, String, Optional<Boolean>, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
Applications - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy
Representation of applications statistics.
Applications() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
apply(String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State
apply(List<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State
apply(List<String>, Optional<Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State
apply(List<String>, Optional<Map<String, Object>>, Optional<Boolean>, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State
apply(List<String>, Optional<Map<String, Object>>, Optional<Boolean>, Optional<Boolean>, TypeToken<R>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State
apply(List<String>, Optional<Map<String, Object>>, Optional<Boolean>, Optional<Boolean>, Class<R>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State
apply(T) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.FunctionE
ApplyResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State.ApplyResult
Arguments - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
Representation of args and kwargs.
Arguments() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Arguments
ArgumentsAdapter - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Json TypeAdapter for Arguments class.
ArgumentsAdapter() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ArgumentsAdapter
asAmount(int) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
Construct a Batch from a value representing an exact amount of items
asPercent(int) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
Construct a Batch from a value representing a percent
AsyncHttpClient - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.client
Simple abstraction over async http operations needed by the salt client.
AuthMethod - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
Datatype holding data for authentication which can either be password based or token based.
AuthMethod(PasswordAuth) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.AuthMethod
AuthMethod(Token) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.AuthMethod
AuthModule - Enum in com.suse.salt.netapi
Salt authentication modules.
AUTO - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule


BASEBOARD - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
Batch - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
A class representing the batch parameter.
Batch.BatchBuilder - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
Helper class for building a Batch.
BatchStartedEvent - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Represents an event fired when a batch job starts.
BatchStartedEvent(String, BatchStartedEvent.Data) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent
Creates a new BatchStartedEvent
BatchStartedEvent.Data - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Data object of the batch started event
Beacon - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Beacon() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
Beacon.Result - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Status result of many beacon functions
BeaconEvent - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Represents an event fired by beacons
BIOS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
BIOS_LANGUAGE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
BIT32_MEMORY_ERROR - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
BIT64_MEMORY_ERROR - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.Adapters
BOOT_INTEGRITY_SERVICES - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
branch(String, String, String, String, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Git
build() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Build the configuration object.
build() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch.BatchBuilder
Returns a Batch with the values of this BatchBuilder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
BUILTIN_POINTING_DEVICE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType


CACHE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
call(Call<?>, Client, Optional<Target<?>>, Map<String, Object>, TypeToken<R>, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Call<R> - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Interface for all function calls in salt.
callAsync(SaltClient, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.RunnerCall
Calls a runner module function on the master asynchronously and returns information about the scheduled job that can be used to query the result.
callAsync(SaltClient, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelCall
Calls a wheel module function on the master asynchronously and returns information about the scheduled job that can be used to query the result.
callAsync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls a execution module function on the given target asynchronously and returns information about the scheduled job that can be used to query the result.
callAsync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod, Batch) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls a execution module function on the given target asynchronously and returns information about the scheduled job that can be used to query the result.
callAsync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod, EventStream, CompletionStage<GenericError>, Batch) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls this salt call via the async client and returns the results as they come in via the event stream.
callAsync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod, EventStream, CompletionStage<GenericError>, Optional<Batch>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls this salt call via the async client and returns the results as they come in via the event stream.
callAsync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod, Optional<Batch>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls a execution module function on the given target asynchronously and returns information about the scheduled job that can be used to query the result.
callAsync(Function<LocalCall<R>, CompletionStage<Optional<LocalAsyncResult<R>>>>, Function<RunnerCall<Map<String, R>>, CompletionStage<RunnerAsyncResult<Map<String, R>>>>, EventStream, CompletionStage<GenericError>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls this salt call via the async client and returns the results as they come in via the event stream.
callSync(SaltClient, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.RunnerCall
Calls a runner module function on the master and synchronously waits for the result.
callSync(SaltClient, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelCall
Calls a wheel module function on the master and synchronously waits for the result.
callSync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls a execution module function on the given target and synchronously waits for the result.
callSync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod, Batch) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls a execution module function on the given target with batching and synchronously waits for the result.
callSync(SaltClient, Target<?>, AuthMethod, Optional<Batch>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Calls a execution module function on the given target with batching and synchronously waits for the result.
callSyncSSH(SaltClient, SSHTarget<?>, SaltSSHConfig, AuthMethod) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Call an execution module function on the given target via salt-ssh and synchronously wait for the result.
Change<T> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Represents a change from some old value to a new one.
Change(T, T) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Change
changes - Variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
CHASSIS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
chmod(String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Set the mode of a file
chown(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Chown a file
clearListeners(int, String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.AbstractEventStream
Removes all listeners.
Client - Enum in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Possible values for the client parameter in salt netapi calls.
ClientUtils - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Utilities for SaltClient.
ClientUtils() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ClientUtils
clone(String, String, Optional<String>, String, String, Optional<String>, Optional<String>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Git
close() - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EventStream
Closes this Stream; Events will not be posted to listeners after this call.
close() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.WebSocketEventStream
Closes this Stream; Events will not be posted to listeners after this call.
closeQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ClientUtils
Quietly close a given stream, suppressing exceptions.
Cmd - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
CmdResult - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Result structure as returned by cmd.exec_code_all, cmd.run_all, cmd.script to be parsed from event data.
CmdResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.CmdResult
CollectionTypeAdapterFactory - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Adapt a homogeneous collection of objects.
CollectionTypeAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.CollectionTypeAdapterFactory
com.suse.salt.netapi - package com.suse.salt.netapi
com.suse.salt.netapi.calls - package com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules - package com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner - package com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner
com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel - package com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel
com.suse.salt.netapi.client - package com.suse.salt.netapi.client
com.suse.salt.netapi.client.impl - package com.suse.salt.netapi.client.impl
com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes - package com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy - package com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy
com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target - package com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
com.suse.salt.netapi.errors - package com.suse.salt.netapi.errors
com.suse.salt.netapi.event - package com.suse.salt.netapi.event
com.suse.salt.netapi.exception - package com.suse.salt.netapi.exception
com.suse.salt.netapi.parser - package com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
com.suse.salt.netapi.results - package com.suse.salt.netapi.results
com.suse.salt.netapi.utils - package com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
commit(String, String, String, String, Optional<String>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Git
compareTo(SaltVersion) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
compound(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if it matches the given compound target
compound(String, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if the minion ID matches the given compound target
Compound - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target for specifying minions by compound expression.
Compound(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Compound
Creates a compound matcher
COMPOUND - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
Config - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Returns configuration information from minions.
connected() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Minions
consume(Consumer<? super SaltError>, Consumer<? super R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
consume(Consumer<? super L>, Consumer<? super R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
consume(Consumer<? super L>, Consumer<? super R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
consume(Consumer<? super L>, Consumer<? super R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
COOLING_DEVICE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
copy(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Copy a file or directory from src to dst
cpuinfo() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
cpustats() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
create(Gson, TypeToken<A>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.OptionalTypeAdapterFactory
create(Gson, TypeToken<A>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ResultSSHResultTypeAdapterFactory
create(Gson, TypeToken<A>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ResultTypeAdapterFactory
create(Gson, TypeToken<A>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.XorTypeAdapterFactory
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.CollectionTypeAdapterFactory
custom() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
custom() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
Returns a BatchBuilder for instantiating a custom Batch.


data(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if the minion matches the given data target
Data<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Data field of a WheelResult.
Data() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Data
Data() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent.Data
Data() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
Data() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
DATA - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
DateAdapter - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
TypeAdapter for date representation received from the API (which represents it as a (floating) number of seconds since the Epoch).
DateAdapter() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.DateAdapter
defaultClient() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.HttpClientUtils
Creates a simple default http client
delete(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
delete(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Schedule
Delete a schedule entry
delete(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key
deleteKey(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
deleteValue(String, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
deniedMinions - Variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
deriveError(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.SaltErrorUtils
Based on the salt text output, derive particular SaltError.
directoryExists(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Tests to see if path is a valid directory
disable() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
disableBeacon(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
diskstats() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
diskusage(String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
DJANGO - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.Adapters
down(boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Manage


echo(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
ELECTRICAL_CURRENT_PROBE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
enable() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
enableBeacon(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
EngineEvent - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Represents an event fired by engines
equals(Object) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.FunctionNotAvailable
equals(Object) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.ModuleNotSupported
equals(Object) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
equals(Object) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHRawResult
equals(Object) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
equals(Object) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
error() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
error(SaltError) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
Event - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Event - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner
Event - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
Parse events into objects.
Event() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Event
EventListener - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Defines a client notification interface for events stream.
events(Token, long, long, int, EventListener...) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Returns a WebSocket @ClientEndpoint annotated object connected to the /ws ServerEndpoint.
EVENTS - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
EventStream - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Represents a container of listener to Event; for each message a bunch of EventListener will be recalled and notified with it.
eventStreamClosed(int, String) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EventListener
Notify the listener that the backing event stream was closed.
exception(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
execCode(String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Cmd
execCodeAll(String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Cmd
exists(Predicate<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
exists(Predicate<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
exists(Predicate<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
extraFilerefs(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Pass in extra files to include in the state tarball.


File - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Basic operations on files and directories on minions
FILE - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
File.Result - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
File module result object
fileDict(String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
fileExists(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Tests to see if path is a valid file
finger(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key
Fingerprints() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Fingerprints
fire(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Event
fireMaster(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Event
flatMap(Function<? super R, Result<T>>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
flatMap(Function<? super R, Xor<? super L, T>>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
flatMap(Function<? super R, Xor<? super L, T>>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
flatMap(Function<? super R, Xor<? super L, T>>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
fold(Function<? super SaltError, ? extends T>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
fold(Function<? super L, ? extends T>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
fold(Function<? super L, ? extends T>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
fold(Function<? super L, ? extends T>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
fold(Function<FunctionNotAvailable, ? extends T>, Function<ModuleNotSupported, ? extends T>, Function<JsonParsingError, ? extends T>, Function<GenericError, ? extends T>, Function<SaltSSHError, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.FunctionNotAvailable
fold(Function<FunctionNotAvailable, ? extends T>, Function<ModuleNotSupported, ? extends T>, Function<JsonParsingError, ? extends T>, Function<GenericError, ? extends T>, Function<SaltSSHError, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.GenericError
fold(Function<FunctionNotAvailable, ? extends T>, Function<ModuleNotSupported, ? extends T>, Function<JsonParsingError, ? extends T>, Function<GenericError, ? extends T>, Function<SaltSSHError, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.JsonParsingError
fold(Function<FunctionNotAvailable, ? extends T>, Function<ModuleNotSupported, ? extends T>, Function<JsonParsingError, ? extends T>, Function<GenericError, ? extends T>, Function<SaltSSHError, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.ModuleNotSupported
fold(Function<FunctionNotAvailable, ? extends T>, Function<ModuleNotSupported, ? extends T>, Function<JsonParsingError, ? extends T>, Function<GenericError, ? extends T>, Function<SaltSSHError, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.SaltError
fold(Function<FunctionNotAvailable, ? extends T>, Function<ModuleNotSupported, ? extends T>, Function<JsonParsingError, ? extends T>, Function<GenericError, ? extends T>, Function<SaltSSHError, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.SaltSSHError
FunctionE<T,​R> - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Like java.util.function.Function but can throw SaltException
FunctionNotAvailable - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.errors
Salt error when trying to execute a function that does not exist
FunctionNotAvailable(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.FunctionNotAvailable


gen(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key
genAccept(String, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key
GenericError - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.errors
Catch all error that contains only a error messages.
GenericError(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.GenericError
get(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Config
Returns a configuration parameter.
get(URI, JsonParser<T>) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.client.AsyncHttpClient
Send a GET request and parse the result into object of given type.
get(URI, Map<String, String>, JsonParser<T>) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.client.AsyncHttpClient
Send a GET request and parse the result into object of given type.
get(URI, Map<String, String>, JsonParser<T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.impl.HttpAsyncClientImpl
Send a GET request and parse the result into object of given type.
getAccepts() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getAcceptsPerSecond() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl
getAdditional() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BeaconEvent
Provides additional information from the tag depending on the type of beacon
getAdditional() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Provides additional information from the tag depending on the type of engine
getAddress() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet
getAddress() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet6
getApplications() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Stats
getArch() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getArchitecture() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getArgs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Arguments
getArguments() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getArguments() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getAvailableMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent.Data
getBatch() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
getBeacon() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BeaconEvent
Returns the beacon name.
getBindAddress() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getBroadcast() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet
getBugfix() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Getter for the bugfix of this SaltVersion
getBuildDate() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getBuildDateUnixTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getBuildHost() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getBytesRead() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getBytesRead() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getBytesRead() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.ServerThread
getBytesWritten() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getBytesWritten() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getBytesWritten() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.ServerThread
getChanges() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.ModuleRun
get changes
getChanges() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
getChanges(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State.ApplyResult
getChanges(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State.ApplyResult
getClient() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getCmd() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getComment() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon.Result
getComment() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File.Result
getComment() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Schedule.Result
Human readable comment
getComment() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.ModuleRun
get comment
getComment() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
getCurrentRequests() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getCurrentTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.Record
Get the actual data returned by smbios.records
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelResult
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Event
Return this event's data as a Map
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BeaconEvent
Return event data as Map
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Return event data as Map
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.MinionStartEvent
Return event data as Map
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.ResultEvent
Return event data as Map
getData() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent
getData(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Event
Return this event's data.
getData(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BeaconEvent
Return the event data parsed into the given type.
getData(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Return the event data parsed into the given type.
getData(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.MinionStartEvent
Return the event data parsed into the given type.
getData(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.ResultEvent
Return the event data parsed into the given type.
getData(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Event
Return this event's data parsed into the given type.
getData(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BeaconEvent
Return this event's data parsed into the given type.
getData(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Return this event's data parsed into the given type.
getData(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.MinionStartEvent
Return this event's data parsed into the given type.
getData(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.ResultEvent
Return this event's data parsed into the given type.
getDatabaseBytes() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.Stats
getDatabaseLocation() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.Stats
getDate() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.StartTime
Returns Date representation of StartTime as parsed using default timezone.
getDate(TimeZone) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.StartTime
Returns Date representation of StartTime as parsed at a given timezone.
getDelay() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
getDeniedMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
getDependencies() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.VersionInformation
getDescription() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getDescription() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.Record
getDescription() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getDirectories() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.Stats
getDownMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent.Data
getDuration() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
getEauth() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
getEndTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getEngine() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Returns the engine name.
getEol() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getEpoch() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getEpoch() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getError() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Openscap.OpenscapResult
getErrors() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.PackageDict
getExpire() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
getExtraFilerefs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getFileNamesBytes() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.Stats
getFiles() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.Stats
getFlavor() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getFun() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Data
getFun() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getFun() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getFun() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
getFun() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getFunArgs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getFunArgs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getFunction() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getFunction() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getFunctionAttrs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
getFunctionName() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.AbstractCall
Return just the function name (e.g.
getFunctionName() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.FunctionNotAvailable
getFunctions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
getFunctionSubs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
getGrain() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Grains
Use DictionaryTarget.getKey() instead.
getGroup() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getHandle() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.Record
getHash(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Get the hash sum of a file
getHash(String, HashType) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Get the hash sum of a file
getHash(String, HashType, long) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Get the hash sum of a file
getHashType() - Method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
getHttpServer() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Stats
getHWAddr() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.Interface
getId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getIdentitiesOnly() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getIgnoreHostKeys() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getInet() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.Interface
getInet6() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.Interface
getInstallDate() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getInstallDateUnixTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getInstalled() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getInternal() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.AuthMethod
getIsbase() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Data
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.ScheduledJob
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.ResultEvent
The job id to which the result belongs
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
getJid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getJobId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent
The id of the job
getJobId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent
The id of the job
getJobId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent
The id of the job
getJson() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.JsonParsingError
getKeyDeploy() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getKwargs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Arguments
getLabel() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet
getLicense() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getListenerCount() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.AbstractEventStream
Helper method that returns the current number of subscribed listeners.
getListenerCount() - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EventStream
Helper method that returns the current number of subscribed listeners.
getLocal() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
getMessage() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.GenericError
getMessage() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.SaltSSHError
getMetadata() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getMetadata() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getMetadata() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent.Data
getMetadata() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getMetadata(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getMetadata(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getMetadata(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getMetadata(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent.Data
getMetadata(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getMetadata(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getMetadata(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getMetadata(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getMetadata(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent.Data
getMetadata(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getMinionId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BeaconEvent
Returns the id of the minion that triggered the beacon
getMinionId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Returns the id of the minion that triggered the engine event
getMinionId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent
getMinionId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.MinionStartEvent
The id of the minion that started
getMinionId() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.ResultEvent
The id of the minion from which the result came
getMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalAsyncResult
getMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
getMissingAttrs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
getMissingSubs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
getMode(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Return the mode of a file
getModified() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.GitResult
getModule() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.PasswordAuth
getModuleAttrs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
getModuleName() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.AbstractCall
Return the module name.
getModuleName() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.ModuleNotSupported
getModules() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
getMonth() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Getter for the month of this SaltVersion
getName() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getName() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
getNetmask() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet
getNewFeaturesHaveBeenAdded() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getNewValue() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Change
the new value
getNoHostKeys() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getOffset() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Timezone
getOldValue() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Change
the old value
getOrElse(Supplier<? extends R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
getOrElse(Supplier<? extends R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
getOrElse(Supplier<? extends R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
getOut() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getOwnerType() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl
getPackager() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getPackages() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.PackageDict
getParams() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
getPasswd() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getPassword() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.PasswordAuth
getPayload() - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Call
Return the call payload as a map of key/value pairs.
getPayload() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
Return the call payload as a map of key/value pairs.
getPayload() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.RunnerCall
Return the call payload as a map of key/value pairs.
getPayload() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelCall
Return the call payload as a map of key/value pairs.
getPerms() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
getPid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getPid() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.CmdResult
getPrefixlen() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet6
getPresencePingGatherJobTimeout() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
getPresencePingTimeout() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
getPriv() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getPriv() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Pair
getProcessingTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getProductline() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getProps() - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Target
Return the properties that belong in a request body.
getPub() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Pair
getQueue() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getRandomThinDir() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getRawType() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl
getReadsPerRequest() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getReadsPerSecond() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getReadThroughput() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getReadThroughput() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.ServerThread
getRefreshCache() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getRegisterrelease() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getRejectedMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
getRelease() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getRelease() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getReleaseCandidate() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Getter for the release candidate of this SaltVersion
getRelocations() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getRemotePortForwards() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getRepo() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getRequestLine() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getRequests() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getRequests() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getRequests() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.ServerThread
getRequestsPerSecond() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getResponeStatus() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Data
getResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon.Result
getResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File.Result
getResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Schedule.Result
boolean indicating success
getResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
getResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Return
Returns the value of this result.
getResult(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getResult(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
getResult(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getResult(Class<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
getResult(String, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getResult(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getRet() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Ret
getRetcode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.SaltSSHError
getRetcode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getRetcode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.CmdResult
getRetcode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHRawResult
getRetcode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getReturn() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getReturnCode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Openscap.OpenscapResult
getReturnType() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.AbstractCall
Return the return type of this call.
getRoster() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getRosterFile() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getRunNum() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
getRunTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getSalt() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.VersionInformation
getScanPorts() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getScanTimeout() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getSchedule() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getScope() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet6
getServerVersion() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getShortname() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getSignature() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getSize() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getSocketErrors() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getSource() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getSSHMaxProcs() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getStart() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
getStartTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getStartTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getStartTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getStartTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
getStartTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
getStartTime(TimeZone) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getStartUpGrains(Class<T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.MinionStartEvent
Gets the grains defined against start_event_grains.
getStderr() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.CmdResult
getStderr() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHRawResult
getStderr() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getStdout() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.CmdResult
getStdout() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHRawResult
getStdout() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
getSudo() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getSummary() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getSummary() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.PackageInfo
getSummary() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getSummary() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.PatternInfo
getSystem() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.VersionInformation
getTag() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Data
getTag() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.RunnerAsyncResult
getTag() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelAsyncResult
getTag() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelResult
getTag() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Event
Return this event's tag.
getTarget() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getTarget() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getTarget() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getTarget() - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Target
Return the target.
getTargetType() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getTargetType() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getThreads() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getThreadsIdle() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getThrowable() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.JsonParsingError
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent.Data
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Returns the timestamp of the event
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
getToken() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
getTotalBytesRead() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getTotalBytesWritten() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getTotalRequests() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getTotalTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getType() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.Record
getType() - Method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
getType() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.ScheduledJob
getType() - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Target
Return the target type.
getUid(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Return the id of the user that owns a given file
getUnacceptedMinions() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
getUntracked() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.GitResult
getUploadDir() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Openscap.OpenscapResult
getUptime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getUrl() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getUser() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Data
getUser() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
getUser() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
getUser() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
getUser() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getUser() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
getUser() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
getUser(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Return the user that owns a given file
getUsername() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.PasswordAuth
getValue() - Method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
getValue() - Method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
getValue() - Method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
getVendor() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getVendor() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getVersion() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
getVersion() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
getWipe() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig
getWorkerThreads() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getWorkTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getWorkTime() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.ServerThread
getWritesPerRequest() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getWritesPerSecond() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
getWriteThroughput() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
getWriteThroughput() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.ServerThread
getYear() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Getter for the year of this SaltVersion
Git - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
GitResult - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Result structure as returned by git status.
GitResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.GitResult
glob(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if it matches the given glob target
glob(String, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if the minion ID matches the given glob target
Glob - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target for specifying minions by glob pattern.
Glob() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Glob
Creates a glob matcher
Glob(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Glob
Creates a glob matcher
GLOB - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
grain(String, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if the minion matches the given grain target.
GRAIN - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
GRAIN_PCRE - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
Grains - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Grains - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Matcher based on salt grains
Grains(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Grains
Creates a grains matcher
Grains(String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Grains
Creates a grains matcher
Grains(String, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Grains
Creates a grains matcher
Grains(String, String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Grains
Creates a grains matcher
GrainsRegEx - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Matcher based on salt grains
GrainsRegEx(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.GrainsRegEx
Creates a grains matcher
GrainsRegEx(String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.GrainsRegEx
Creates a grains matcher
GrainsRegEx(String, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.GrainsRegEx
Creates a grains matcher
GrainsRegEx(String, String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.GrainsRegEx
Creates a grains matcher
GROUP_ASSOCIATIONS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
GSON - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser


HARDWARE_SECURITY - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
hasExec(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Cmd
hashCode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.FunctionNotAvailable
hashCode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.GenericError
hashCode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.JsonParsingError
hashCode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.ModuleNotSupported
hashCode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
hashCode() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
HashType - Enum in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
The type of hash based on Python hashlib - only always supported types.
hasValue(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
HttpAsyncClientImpl - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.client.impl
AsyncHttpClient implemented with Apache's HttpAsyncClient.
HttpAsyncClientImpl(HttpAsyncClient) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.impl.HttpAsyncClientImpl
Init a connection to a given Salt API endpoint.
HttpClientUtils - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Helpers for creating an async http client
HttpClientUtils() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.HttpClientUtils
HttpServer - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy
Representation of HTTP server statistics.
HttpServer() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer


identitiesOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Use the only authentication identity files configured in the ssh_config files.
ignoreHostKeys(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
By default ssh host keys are honored and connections will ask for approval.
INet() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet
INet6() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.INet6
Info() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
Info() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.Info
infoAvailable(String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
infoInstalled(List<String>, boolean, String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
Call 'pkg.info_installed' API.
infoInstalledAllVersions(List<String>, boolean, String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
Call 'pkg.info_installed' API.
install(boolean, List<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
Call 'pkg.install' API.
install(boolean, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
Call 'pkg.install' API.
install(boolean, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
install(boolean, Map<String, String>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
Call 'pkg.install' API.
INTEGER - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.Adapters
Interface() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.Interface
interfaces() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network
IPCidr - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target for specifying minions by IP CIDR.
IPCidr(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.IPCidr
Creates an IPCidr matcher
IPCIDR - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
IPMI_DEVICE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
isEnable() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.HttpServer
isEnabled() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Applications
isEventStreamClosed() - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EventStream
Helper method to check if the stream is able to receive Events.
isEventStreamClosed() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.WebSocketEventStream
Helper method to check if the stream is able to receive Events.
isInstalled() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.PatternInfo
isLeft() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
isLeft() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
isLeft() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
isLink(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Check if the path is a symbolic link
isResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.ModuleRun
get result
isResult() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
isResultSSHResult(Type) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ResultSSHResultTypeAdapterFactory
isRight() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
isRight() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
isRight() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
isSuccess() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Data
isSuccess() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Openscap.OpenscapResult
isSuccess() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent.Data
isSuccess() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent.Data
isUp() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Network.Interface
item(boolean, TypeToken<T>, String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
item(boolean, String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
items(boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains


JobReturnEvent - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Representation of job return events fired each time a minion returns data for a job.
JobReturnEvent.Data - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Data object of the job return event
Jobs - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner
Jobs.Info - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner
Information about a salt job as returned by 'jobs.list_job'
Jobs.ListJobsEntry - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner
Result entry of jobs.list_jobs
JsonParser<T> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Parser for Salt API responses.
JsonParser(TypeToken<T>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
Created a new JsonParser for the given type.
JsonParser(TypeToken<T>, Gson) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
Created a new JsonParser for the given type.
JsonParsingError - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.errors
Json parsing error that contains the rest of the json which could not be parsed.
JsonParsingError(JsonElement, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.JsonParsingError


Key - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel
Key.Fingerprints - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel
Matching key fingerprints as returned by "key.finger".
Key.Keys<T> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel
Salt keys information.
Key.Names - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel
Salt keys as returned by "key.list_all".
Key.Pair - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel
A key pair as returned by "key.gen" or "key.gen_accept".
keyDeploy(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Set this flag to attempt to deploy the authorized ssh key with all minions.
Keys() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
KEYSTONE - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
kill() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Minion


latestVersion(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
latestVersion(String, String, String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
LDAP - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
left() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
left() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
left() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
left(L) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
leftMap(Function<? super L, Xor<T, R>>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
leftMap(Function<? super L, Xor<T, R>>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
list() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
list() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Minion
list(boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Schedule
List scheduled jobs
list(String...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if it matches the given list target
list(List<String>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if the minion ID matches the given list target
LIST - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
listAll() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key
listJob(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs
listJobs(Object) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs
listJobs(Object, LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs
ListJobsEntry() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs.ListJobsEntry
listPatterns(boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
Call 'pkg.list_patterns' via Salt API.
listPkgs() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
listPkgs(List<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
Call 'pkg.list_pkgs'
listProducts(boolean) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper
loadavg() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
local - Variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
LOCAL - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
LOCAL_ASYNC - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
LOCAL_BATCH - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
LocalAsyncResult<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Result of calling a execution module function asynchronously.
LocalAsyncResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalAsyncResult
LocalCall<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Class representing a function call of a salt execution module.
LocalCall(String, Optional<List<?>>, Optional<Map<String, ?>>, TypeToken<R>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
LocalCall(String, Optional<List<?>>, Optional<Map<String, ?>>, TypeToken<R>, Optional<?>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
LocalCall(String, Optional<List<?>>, Optional<Map<String, ?>>, TypeToken<R>, Optional<?>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
LocalCall(String, Optional<List<?>>, Optional<Map<String, ?>>, TypeToken<R>, Optional<?>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<List<String>>, Optional<Map<String, ?>>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
LocalCall(String, Optional<List<?>>, Optional<Map<String, ?>>, TypeToken<R>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
LocalDateTimeISOAdapter - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Adapter to convert an ISO formatted string to LocalDateTime
LocalDateTimeISOAdapter() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.LocalDateTimeISOAdapter
locate(String, Optional<String>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Locate.LocateOpts>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate
Performs a file lookup.
Locate - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
salt.modules.locate Module for using the mlocate utilities.
Locate() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate
Locate.LocateOpts - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
All possible options for "locate" method.
Locate.Stats - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Locate module result object
LocateOpts() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
login(String, String, AuthModule) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Non-blocking version of login() returning a CompletionStage with the token.
logout() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Perform logout and clear the session token from the config.
LONG - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.Adapters
lookupJid(LocalAsyncResult<R>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs
lookupJid(RunnerAsyncResult<R>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs
lookupJid(WheelAsyncResult<R>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs
lookupJid(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Jobs
ls() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains


Manage - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner
MANAGEMENT_CONTROLLER_HOST_INTERFACE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MANAGEMENT_DEVICE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MANAGEMENT_DEVICE_COMPONENT - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MANAGEMENT_DEVICE_THRESHOLD_DATA - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
map(Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
map(Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
map(Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
map(Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
map(Function<T, R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Change
Applies a mapping function to both the old and the new value, wrapping the result in a new Change.
MAP - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
mapConfigPropsToArgs(SaltSSHConfig, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHUtils
Maps config parameters to salt-ssh rest arguments
MASTER - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Config
The configuration key for the master's hostname.
Match - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Match() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
MD5 - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
meminfo() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
MEMORY_ARRAY_MAPPED_ADDRESS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MEMORY_CHANNEL - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MEMORY_CONTROLLER - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MEMORY_DEVICE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MEMORY_DEVICE_MAPPED_ADDRESS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MEMORY_MODULE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
MessageTooBigException - Exception in com.suse.salt.netapi.exception
Exception to be thrown in case of a websocket message exceeding the configurable maximum message length.
MessageTooBigException(int) - Constructor for exception com.suse.salt.netapi.exception.MessageTooBigException
Minion - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
salt.modules.minion https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.minion.html
MinionList - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target for specifying a list of minions.
MinionList(String...) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.MinionList
Constructor taking an optional list of strings.
MinionList(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.MinionList
Constructor taking a list of minions as strings.
minions - Variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
Minions - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel
MinionStartEvent - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Represents an event fired when a minion connects to the salt master
missingFunc() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
mkdir(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Ensures that a directory is available
mkdir(String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Ensures that a directory is available
mkdir(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Ensures that a directory is available
mkdir(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Ensures that a directory is available
modify(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
ModuleNotSupported - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.errors
Error that happens if a modules is not supported
ModuleNotSupported(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.ModuleNotSupported
moduleReport() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
ModuleReport(List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.ModuleReport
ModuleRun<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
result of a module.run in a state file
ModuleRun(R, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.ModuleRun
move(String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Move a file or directory from src to dst
MYSQL - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule


Names() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Names
netdev() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
netstats() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
Network - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Network.INet - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Network interface as returned by "network.interfaces".
Network.INet6 - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Network interface (IPv6) as returned by "network.interfaces".
Network.Interface - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Network interface as returned by "network.interfaces".
NodeGroup - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target for referencing a nodegroup.
NodeGroup(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.NodeGroup
Constructor expecting a nodegroup as string.
NODEGROUP - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
noHostKeys(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Removes all host key checking functionality from SSH session.
notify(Event) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EventListener
Notify the listener of a new event.
notifyListeners(Event) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.AbstractEventStream
Notifies all listeners of an event
nproc() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status


OEM_STRINGS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
ON_BOARD_DEVICES - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
ONBOARD_DEVICES_EXTENDED_INFORMATION - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
onClose(Session, CloseReason) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.WebSocketEventStream
On closing the websocket, refresh the session and notify all subscribed listeners.
onError(Throwable) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.WebSocketEventStream
On error, convert Throwable into CloseReason and close the session.
onMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.WebSocketEventStream
Notify listeners on each event received on the websocket and buffer partial messages.
onOpen(Session, EndpointConfig) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.WebSocketEventStream
On handshake completed, get the WebSocket Session and send a message to ServerEndpoint that WebSocket is ready.
Openscap - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Openscap.OpenscapResult - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
openscap.xccdf result.
OpenscapResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Openscap.OpenscapResult
option() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
OptionalTypeAdapterFactory - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
TypeAdaptorFactory creating TypeAdapters for Optional
OptionalTypeAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.OptionalTypeAdapterFactory
orElse(R) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
orElse(R) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
orElse(R) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
OUTOFBAND_REMOTE_ACCESS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType


PackageDict() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.PackageDict
PackageInfo() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.PackageInfo
Pair() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Pair
PAM - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
parameterizedType(Type, Type, Type...) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ClientUtils
Helper for constructing parameterized types.
ParameterizedTypeImpl - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Implementation of Java's ParametrizedType for internal use
ParameterizedTypeImpl(Type, Type, Type) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl
Construct a parametrized type for a single argument
ParameterizedTypeImpl(Type, Type, Type[]) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl
Construct a parametrized type
parse(Event) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BatchStartedEvent
Utility method to parse a generic event into a more specific one.
parse(Event) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.BeaconEvent
Utility method to parse e generic event to a more specific one
parse(Event) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EngineEvent
Utility method to parse e generic event to a more specific one
parse(Event) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.JobReturnEvent
Utility method to parse a generic event into a more specific one.
parse(Event) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.MinionStartEvent
Utility method to parse e generic event to a more specific one
parse(Event) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.ResultEvent
Utility method to parse e generic event to a more specific one
parse(Event) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.RunnerReturnEvent
Utility method to parse a generic event into a more specific one.
parse(InputStream) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
Parses a Json response that has a direct representation as a Java class.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Parses a salt version string
parse(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
Parse JSON given as string.
ParsingException - Exception in com.suse.salt.netapi.exception
Exception to be thrown in case of problems parsing service responses.
ParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.suse.salt.netapi.exception.ParsingException
Constructor expecting a custom message.
ParsingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.suse.salt.netapi.exception.ParsingException
Constructor expecting a custom cause.
passwd(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Set the default password to attempt to use when authenticating.
PasswordAuth - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
Datatype for holding all data needed for password authentication
PasswordAuth(String, String, AuthModule) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.PasswordAuth
PatternInfo - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Information about a pattern as returned by "pkg.list_patterns".
PatternInfo() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.PatternInfo
PCRE - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
PHYSICAL_MEMORY_ARRAY - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
pid(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
pillar(String, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Match
Return True if the minion matches the given pillar target.
Pillar - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Matcher based on salt pillar with glob matching
Pillar(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Pillar
Creates a pillar matcher
Pillar(String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Pillar
Creates a pillar matcher
Pillar(String, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Pillar
Creates a pillar matcher
Pillar(String, String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Pillar
Creates a pillar matcher
PILLAR - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
PILLAR_EXACT - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
PILLAR_PCRE - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
PillarExact - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Matcher based on salt pillar without glob matching
PillarExact(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarExact
Creates a pillar matcher
PillarExact(String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarExact
Creates a pillar matcher
PillarExact(String, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarExact
Creates a pillar matcher
PillarExact(String, String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarExact
Creates a pillar matcher
PillarRegEx - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Matcher based on salt pillar with regular expression matching
PillarRegEx(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarRegEx
Creates a pillar matcher
PillarRegEx(String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarRegEx
Creates a pillar matcher
PillarRegEx(String, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarRegEx
Creates a pillar matcher
PillarRegEx(String, String, char) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.PillarRegEx
Creates a pillar matcher
ping() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
Pkg - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Pkg.Info - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Information about a package as returned by pkg.info_installed and pkg.info_available
Pkg.PackageDict - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Package dictionary as returned by "pkg.file_dict".
Pkg.PackageInfo - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Information about a package as returned by "pkg.search".
PKI - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
PORT_CONNECTOR - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
PORTABLE_BATTERY - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
post(URI, String, JsonParser<T>) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.client.AsyncHttpClient
Send a POST request and parse the result into object of given type.
post(URI, Map<String, String>, String, JsonParser<T>) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.client.AsyncHttpClient
Send a POST request and parse the result into object of given type.
post(URI, Map<String, String>, String, JsonParser<T>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.impl.HttpAsyncClientImpl
Send a POST request and parse the result into object of given type.
POWER_SUPPLY - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
present() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Manage
present(Optional<String>, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Manage
priv(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
SSH private key file.
PROCESSOR - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
procs() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
ProductInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, Optional<String>, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Zypper.ProductInfo
provider(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
providers() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test


randomThinDir(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Force the salt-thin to be deployed in a random path every time salt-ssh is called
randStr(Optional<Integer>, Optional<HashType>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
Range - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target for specifying minions by range expression.
Range(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.Range
Creates a range matcher
RANGE - com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
read(JsonReader) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ArgumentsAdapter
read(JsonReader) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.DateAdapter
read(JsonReader) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.LocalDateTimeISOAdapter
read(JsonReader) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.StartTimeAdapter
read(JsonReader) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.StatsAdapter
read(JsonReader) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ZonedDateTimeISOAdapter
readdir(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Returns a list containing the contents of a directory
reboot() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.TransactionalUpdate
reboot(Optional<Integer>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.System
Record() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.Record
records(Smbios.RecordType) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios
refreshCache(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Force a refresh of the master side data cache of the target's data.
refreshPillar(Optional<Boolean>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil
RegEx - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target for specifying minions by regular expression.
RegEx(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.RegEx
Creates a regular expression matcher
reject(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key
rejectedMinions - Variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
remotePortForwards(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Setup remote port forwarding using the same syntax as with the -R parameter of ssh.
remove(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Remove a file
remove(String, String, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
remove(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.AbstractEventStream
Removes a listener.
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in interface com.suse.salt.netapi.event.EventStream
Removes a listener.
Request - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy
Representation of request statistics.
Request() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Request
REST - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
restart() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Minion
result() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
Result<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Representation of call results for a single minion implemented as a wrapper around Xor.
Result() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File.Result
Result(Xor<SaltError, R>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
Result(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon.Result
Result(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Schedule.Result
Construct a new Result
ResultEvent - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Represents an event containing the result of some function call
ResultEvent(String, String, JsonElement) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.ResultEvent
Creates a new ResultEvent
ResultSSHResultTypeAdapterFactory - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
TypeAdapterFactory for creating type adapters for parsing wrapped Result<SSHResult> objects.
ResultSSHResultTypeAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ResultSSHResultTypeAdapterFactory
ResultTypeAdapterFactory - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
TypeAdapterFactory for creating type adapters for parsing Result objects.
ResultTypeAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ResultTypeAdapterFactory
Ret<T> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Wrapper object representing a "ret" element to be parsed from event data.
Ret() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Ret
Return<T> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Represents a Salt API result.
Return() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Return
right() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
right() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
right() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
right(R) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
rmdir(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Removes the specified directory
roster(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Define which roster system to use, this defines if a database backend, scanner, or custom roster system is used.
rosterFile(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Define an alternative location for the default roster file location.
run(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Cmd
run(String, String, AuthModule, String, Target<T>, String, List<Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Generic interface to start any execution command bypassing normal session handling.
RUN_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
runAll(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Cmd
RUNNER - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
RUNNER_ASYNC - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
RunnerAsyncResult<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Result of calling a runner module function asynchronously.
RunnerAsyncResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.RunnerAsyncResult
RunnerCall<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Class representing a function call of a salt runner module.
RunnerCall(String, Optional<Map<String, ?>>, TypeToken<R>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.RunnerCall
RunnerReturnEvent - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Representation of job return events fired each time a minion returns data for a job.
RunnerReturnEvent.Data - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Data object of the job return event
running() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil
RunningInfo() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil.RunningInfo
runRawSSHCommand(String, Target<T>, SaltSSHConfig) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Calls salt-ssh with a command in raw shell mode (commands bypass Salt and gets executed as shell commands).
RUNSSHRAW_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser


SaltClient - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.client
Salt API client.
SaltClient(URI, AsyncHttpClient) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Constructor for connecting to a given URL.
SaltError - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.errors
Interface for all salt related errors
SaltErrorUtils - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Utils for deriving SaltError based on the salt text output.
SaltErrorUtils() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.SaltErrorUtils
SaltException - Exception in com.suse.salt.netapi.exception
Exception to be thrown in case of problems with Salt.
SaltException(String) - Constructor for exception com.suse.salt.netapi.exception.SaltException
Constructor expecting a custom message.
SaltException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.suse.salt.netapi.exception.SaltException
Constructor expecting a custom cause.
SaltSSHConfig - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Salt SSH configuration with a builder class.
SaltSSHConfig.Builder - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Builder class to create configurations for Salt SSH.
SaltSSHError - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.errors
Interface for salt ssh specific errors
SaltSSHError(int, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.SaltSSHError
SaltSSHUtils - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Salt SSH utility class with shared methods.
SaltSSHUtils() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHUtils
SaltUserUnauthorizedException - Exception in com.suse.salt.netapi.exception
Exception for when a user is logged in but not allowed access to the requested resource.
SaltUserUnauthorizedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.suse.salt.netapi.exception.SaltUserUnauthorizedException
SaltUtil - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
SaltUtil() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil
SaltUtil.RunningInfo - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Info about a running job on a minion
SaltVersion - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
Represents a salt version
SaltVersion(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Creates a SaltVersion without release candidate tag
SaltVersion(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Creates a SaltVersion
SaltVersion(int, int, int, Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
Creates a SaltVersion
save() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Beacon
scanPorts(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Comma-separated list of ports to scan in the scan roster.
scanTimeout(Double) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Scanning socket timeout for the scan roster.
Schedule - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Schedule.Result - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Common result structure for scheduling functions
ScheduledJob<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Common class representing a scheduled job.
ScheduledJob() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.ScheduledJob
script(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Cmd
scriptRetcode(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Cmd
search(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
send(String, Optional<Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Event
ServerThread - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy
Representation of server thread statistics.
ServerThread() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.ServerThread
set(String, Optional<Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
setBasename(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
setCount(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
setExisting(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
setFollow(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
setIgnore(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
setNofollow(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
setRegex(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
setType(TypeToken<R>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.ScheduledJob
setValue(String, String, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
setValues(Map<String, Object>, Optional<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Grains
setWholename(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.LocateOpts
SHA1 - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
SHA224 - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
SHA256 - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
SHA384 - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
SHA512 - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
SHAREDSECRET - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
showHighstate() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.State
sleep(Duration) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
Smbios - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Smbios.Record - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Holds the information returned by smbios.records
Smbios.RecordType - Enum in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
The type of the dmi records.
splitFunction(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ClientUtils
Extract the module and function name from the function string based on '.' .
SSH - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
sshMaxProcs(int) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Set the number of concurrent minions to communicate with.
SSHRawResult - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Wrapper class for salt-ssh raw calls results.
SSHRawResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHRawResult
SSHRawResult(int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHRawResult
SSHResult<T> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Wrapper class for salt-ssh results.
SSHResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
SSHTarget<T> - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target interface for specifying a group of minions.
StartTime - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
StartDate is a convenience wrapper allowing for parsing of StartDate in the timezone appropriate to a given master.
StartTime(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.StartTime
Construct a StartTime from a date given as string.
StartTimeAdapter - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Json adapter to handle the Job.StartTime date format given by netapi
StartTimeAdapter() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.StartTimeAdapter
State - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
State.ApplyResult - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Result type for state.apply
StateApplyResult<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.results
Result structure as returned by state.apply to be parsed from event data.
StateApplyResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.StateApplyResult
stats() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate
Returns statistics about the locate database.
stats() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.client.SaltClient
Query statistics from the CherryPy Server.
Stats - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy
Representation of CherryPy server statistics.
Stats() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate.Stats
Stats(Applications, HttpServer) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.cherrypy.Stats
STATS - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
StatsAdapter - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Json TypeAdapter for the Stats object received from the API.
StatsAdapter() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.StatsAdapter
status(String, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Git
Status - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
streamToString(InputStream) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ClientUtils
Convert a given InputStream to a String.
STRING - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.Adapters
STRING - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
stringToStream(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.ClientUtils
Convert a given String to an InputStream.
success(T) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
sudo(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Run command via sudo.
symlink(String, String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.File
Create a symbolic link (symlink, soft link) to a file
syncAll(Optional<Boolean>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil
syncBeacons(Optional<Boolean>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil
syncGrains(Optional<Boolean>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil
syncModules(Optional<Boolean>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.SaltUtil
System - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
salt.modules.system https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.system.html
SYSTEM - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
SYSTEM_BOOT - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
SYSTEM_EVENT_LOG - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
SYSTEM_POWER_CONTROLS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
SYSTEM_RESET - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
SYSTEM_SLOTS - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType


Target<T> - Interface in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Target interface for specifying a group of minions.
TargetType - Enum in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target
Possible values for the tgt_type parameter in salt netapi calls.
TEMPERATURE_PROBE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
Test - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Test() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
Test.ModuleReport - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Availability report of all execution modules
Test.VersionInformation - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
Version report of dependent and system software
Timezone - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
salt.modules.timezone https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.timezone.html
Token - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes
Token containing authentication data.
Token() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
Token(String) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Token
TOKEN - Static variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.JsonParser
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg.Info
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Arguments
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.PasswordAuth
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.SaltVersion
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.StartTime
Returns a string representation of StartTime.
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.FunctionNotAvailable
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.GenericError
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.JsonParsingError
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.ModuleNotSupported
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.errors.SaltSSHError
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.CmdResult
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.GitResult
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.PatternInfo
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.SSHResult
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Left
toString() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor.Right
toXor() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.results.Result
TransactionalUpdate - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
salt.modules.transactional_update https://docs.saltproject.io/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.transactional_update.html


unacceptedMinions - Variable in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.wheel.Key.Keys
up() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Manage
up(Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.runner.Manage
updatedb() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate
Updates the locate database.
upgradeAvailable(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Pkg
uptime() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
user(String) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Set the default user to attempt to use when authenticating.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.HashType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.target.TargetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Locate
Returns the version of locate.
version() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
VersionInformation(Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Optional<String>>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test.VersionInformation
versionsInformation() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Test
vmstats() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
VOLTAGE_PROBE - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Smbios.RecordType


w() - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Status
WebSocketEventStream - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.event
Event stream implementation based on a ClientEndpoint WebSocket.
WebSocketEventStream(URI, Token, long, long, int, EventListener...) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.event.WebSocketEventStream
Constructor used to create an event stream: open a websocket connection and start event processing.
WHEEL - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
WHEEL_ASYNC - com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.Client
WheelAsyncResult<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Result of calling a wheel module function asynchronously.
WheelAsyncResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelAsyncResult
WheelCall<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Class representing a function call of a salt wheel module.
WheelCall(String, Optional<Map<String, ?>>, TypeToken<R>) - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelCall
WheelResult<R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls
Wrapper around the wheel functions return type.
WheelResult() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.WheelResult
wipe(boolean) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.SaltSSHConfig.Builder
Remove the deployment of the salt files when done executing.
withBatchAsAmount(int) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch.BatchBuilder
Sets the batch value representing an exact amount of items
withBatchAsPercent(int) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch.BatchBuilder
Sets the batch value representing a percent
withDelay(Double) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch.BatchBuilder
Batch delay specifies the time for salt to wait for more minions to return a result before scheduling the next batch.
withExecutors(Optional<List<String>>, Optional<Map<String, ?>>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
withMetadata(Object) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
withoutExecutors() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
withoutMetadata() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
withoutTimeouts() - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
withPresencePingGatherJobTimeout(Integer) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch.BatchBuilder
Batch presence ping gather job timeout specifies the timeout in seconds for gathering the presence ping jobs performed in salt minions to determine which minions are available during salt batch synchronous calls.
withPresencePingTimeout(Integer) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.datatypes.Batch.BatchBuilder
Batch presence ping timeout specifies the timeout in seconds of the presence ping performed in salt minions to determine which minions are available during salt batch calls.
withTimeouts(Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.LocalCall
write(JsonWriter, Arguments) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ArgumentsAdapter
write(JsonWriter, Stats) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.StatsAdapter
write(JsonWriter, StartTime) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.StartTimeAdapter
write(JsonWriter, LocalDateTime) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.LocalDateTimeISOAdapter
write(JsonWriter, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ZonedDateTimeISOAdapter
write(JsonWriter, Date) - Method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.DateAdapter


xccdf(String) - Static method in class com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules.Openscap
Xor<L,​R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Right biased disjunction mainly based on the Xor type from scala cats library.
Xor() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.utils.Xor
Xor.Left<L,​R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Left branch of the Xor
Xor.Right<L,​R> - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.utils
Right branch of the Xor
XorTypeAdapterFactory - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
TypeAdaptorFactory creating TypeAdapters for Xor
XorTypeAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.XorTypeAdapterFactory


YUBICO - com.suse.salt.netapi.AuthModule


ZonedDateTimeISOAdapter - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.parser
Adapter to convert an ISO formatted string to ZonedDateTime
ZonedDateTimeISOAdapter() - Constructor for class com.suse.salt.netapi.parser.ZonedDateTimeISOAdapter
Zypper - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
salt.modules.zypper https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.zypper.html
Zypper.ProductInfo - Class in com.suse.salt.netapi.calls.modules
The product information as returned by listProducts().
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