Class SaltClient

  • public class SaltClient
    extends Object
    Salt API client.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SaltClient

        public SaltClient​(URI url,
                          AsyncHttpClient asyncHttpClient)
        Constructor for connecting to a given URL.
        asyncHttpClient - http client to use for the salt api
        url - the Salt API URL
    • Method Detail

      • login

        public CompletionStage<Token> login​(String username,
                                            String password,
                                            AuthModule eauth)
        Non-blocking version of login() returning a CompletionStage with the token.

        POST /login

        username - the username
        password - the password
        eauth - the eauth type
        CompletionStage holding the authentication token
      • logout

        public CompletionStage<Boolean> logout()
        Perform logout and clear the session token from the config.

        POST /logout

        true if the logout was successful, otherwise false
      • run

        public <T> CompletionStage<Map<String,​Object>> run​(String username,
                                                                 String password,
                                                                 AuthModule eauth,
                                                                 String client,
                                                                 Target<T> target,
                                                                 String function,
                                                                 List<Object> args,
                                                                 Map<String,​Object> kwargs)
        Generic interface to start any execution command bypassing normal session handling.

        POST /run

        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the tgt property for this command
        username - the username
        password - the password
        eauth - the eauth type
        client - the client
        target - the target
        function - the function to execute
        args - list of non-keyword arguments
        kwargs - map containing keyword arguments
        Map key: minion id, value: command result from that minion
      • runRawSSHCommand

        public <T> CompletionStage<Map<String,​Result<SSHRawResult>>> runRawSSHCommand​(String command,
                                                                                            Target<T> target,
                                                                                            SaltSSHConfig cfg)
        Calls salt-ssh with a command in raw shell mode (commands bypass Salt and gets executed as shell commands).
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the tgt property for this command
        command - to be executed
        target - glob type, targets to be reached by the command
        cfg - SaltSSH config holder
        a map in which every key is a host associated to the result of the raw command
      • stats

        public CompletionStage<Stats> stats()
        Query statistics from the CherryPy Server.

        GET /stats

        the stats
      • events

        public WebSocketEventStream events​(Token token,
                                           long sessionIdleTimeout,
                                           long idleTimeout,
                                           int maxMsgSize,
                                           EventListener... listeners)
                                    throws SaltException
        Returns a WebSocket @ClientEndpoint annotated object connected to the /ws ServerEndpoint.

        The stream object supports the WebSocketEventStream interface which allows the caller to register/unregister for stream event notifications as well as close the event stream.

        Note: login(String, String, AuthModule) or must be called prior to calling this method.

        GET /events

        listeners - event listeners to be added before the stream is initialized
        idleTimeout - idle timeout to pass to the http client config
        maxMsgSize - maximum event data size to accept
        sessionIdleTimeout - session idle timeout to pass to the http client config
        token - salt session token to use for authentication
        the event stream
        SaltException - in case of an error during websocket stream initialization