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Granular Data Collection

There are situations that require granular data from the time of the issue to troubleshoot OS issues. gdg (Granular Data Gatherer) is a tool which collects granular data every user specified interval (default: 30 seconds). More documentation about which data is collected and further information can be found here: [1]

Install gdg (Granular Data Gatherer) and enable.

  1. Download the binary from Releases ( to /usr/local/sbin on the server and run:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/gdg

  2. Start logging in 30 second intervals

    sudo /usr/local/sbin/gdg --start --interval 30 --logdays 7

  3. Once collection has been ongoing, and data has been captured during the time of the issue, stop gdg:

    sudo /usr/local/sbin/gdg --stop

  4. Provide the tarball after compressing:

    tar cvfJ `hostname`-<casenum>.gdg.tar.xz /var/log/gdg-data/

For documentation and further options [1].
