All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractCall<R> Abstract class for all function calls in salt.AbstractEventStream Implements basic listener bookkeeping for EventStream.Adapters Strict null rejecting primitive type adapters.Applications Representation of applications statistics.Arguments Representation of args and kwargs.ArgumentsAdapter Json TypeAdapter for Arguments class.AsyncHttpClient Simple abstraction over async http operations needed by the salt client.AuthMethod Datatype holding data for authentication which can either be password based or token based.AuthModule Salt authentication modules.Batch A class representing the batch parameter.Batch.BatchBuilder Helper class for building a Batch.BatchStartedEvent Represents an event fired when a batch job starts.BatchStartedEvent.Data Data object of the batch started eventBeacon salt.modules.beaconsBeacon.Result Status result of many beacon functionsBeaconEvent Represents an event fired by beaconsCall<R> Interface for all function calls in salt.Change<T> Represents a change from some old value to a new one.Client Possible values for the client parameter in salt netapi calls.ClientUtils Utilities forSaltClient
.Cmd salt.modules.cmdmodCmdResult Result structure as returned by cmd.exec_code_all, cmd.run_all, cmd.script to be parsed from event data.CollectionTypeAdapterFactory Adapt a homogeneous collection of objects.Compound Target for specifying minions by compound expression.Config Returns configuration information from minions.Data<R> Data field of a WheelResult.DateAdapter TypeAdapter for date representation received from the API (which represents it as a (floating) number of seconds since the Epoch).EngineEvent Represents an event fired by enginesEvent salt.modules.eventEvent salt.runners.eventEvent Parse events into objects.EventListener Defines a client notification interface for events stream.EventStream Represents a container of listener toEvent
; for each message a bunch ofEventListener
will be recalled and notified with it.File Basic operations on files and directories on minionsFile.Result File module result objectFunctionE<T,R> Like java.util.function.Function but can throw SaltExceptionFunctionNotAvailable Salt error when trying to execute a function that does not existGenericError Catch all error that contains only a error messages.Git salt.modules.gitGitResult Result structure as returned by git status.Glob Target for specifying minions by glob pattern.Grains salt.modules.grainsGrains Matcher based on salt grainsGrainsRegEx Matcher based on salt grainsHashType The type of hash based on Python hashlib - only always supported types.HttpAsyncClientImpl AsyncHttpClient implemented with Apache's HttpAsyncClient.HttpClientUtils Helpers for creating an async http clientHttpServer Representation of HTTP server statistics.IPCidr Target for specifying minions by IP CIDR.JobReturnEvent Representation of job return events fired each time a minion returns data for a job.JobReturnEvent.Data Data object of the job return eventJobs salt.runners.jobsJobs.Info Information about a salt job as returned by 'jobs.list_job'Jobs.ListJobsEntry Result entry of jobs.list_jobsJsonParser<T> Parser for Salt API responses.JsonParsingError Json parsing error that contains the rest of the json which could not be parsed.Key salt.wheel.keyKey.Fingerprints Matching key fingerprints as returned by "key.finger".Key.Keys<T> Salt keys information.Key.Names Salt keys as returned by "key.list_all".Key.Pair A key pair as returned by "key.gen" or "key.gen_accept".LocalAsyncResult<R> Result of calling a execution module function asynchronously.LocalCall<R> Class representing a function call of a salt execution module.LocalDateTimeISOAdapter Adapter to convert an ISO formatted string to LocalDateTimeLocate salt.modules.locate Module for using the mlocate utilities.Locate.LocateOpts All possible options for "locate" method.Locate.Stats Locate module result objectManage salt.runners.manageMatch salt.modules.matchMessageTooBigException Exception to be thrown in case of a websocket message exceeding the configurable maximum message length.Minion salt.modules.minion Target for specifying a list of minions.Minions salt.wheel.minionsMinionStartEvent Represents an event fired when a minion connects to the salt masterModuleNotSupported Error that happens if a modules is not supportedModuleRun<R> result of a in a state fileNetwork salt.modules.networkNetwork.INet Network interface as returned by "network.interfaces".Network.INet6 Network interface (IPv6) as returned by "network.interfaces".Network.Interface Network interface as returned by "network.interfaces".NodeGroup Target for referencing a nodegroup.OptionalTypeAdapterFactory TypeAdaptorFactory creating TypeAdapters for OptionalParsingException Exception to be thrown in case of problems parsing service responses.PasswordAuth Datatype for holding all data needed for password authenticationPillar Matcher based on salt pillar with glob matchingPillarExact Matcher based on salt pillar without glob matchingPillarRegEx Matcher based on salt pillar with regular expression matchingPkg salt.modules.pkgPkg.Info Information about a package as returned by pkg.info_installed and pkg.info_availablePkg.PackageDict Package dictionary as returned by "pkg.file_dict".Pkg.PackageInfo Information about a package as returned by "".Range Target for specifying minions by range expression.RegEx Target for specifying minions by regular expression.Request Representation of request statistics.Result<R> Representation of call results for a single minion implemented as a wrapper aroundXor
.ResultEvent Represents an event containing the result of some function callResultSSHResultTypeAdapterFactory TypeAdapterFactory
for creating type adapters for parsing wrapped Result<SSHResult> objects.ResultTypeAdapterFactory TypeAdapterFactory
for creating type adapters for parsingResult
objects.Ret<T> Wrapper object representing a "ret" element to be parsed from event data.Return<T> Represents a Salt API result.RunnerAsyncResult<R> Result of calling a runner module function asynchronously.RunnerCall<R> Class representing a function call of a salt runner module.RunnerReturnEvent Representation of job return events fired each time a minion returns data for a job.RunnerReturnEvent.Data Data object of the job return eventSaltClient Salt API client.SaltError Interface for all salt related errorsSaltErrorUtils Utils for derivingSaltError
based on the salt text output.SaltException Exception to be thrown in case of problems with Salt.SaltSSHConfig Salt SSH configuration with a builder class.SaltSSHConfig.Builder Builder class to create configurations for Salt SSH.SaltSSHUtils Salt SSH utility class with shared methods.SaltUserUnauthorizedException Exception for when a user is logged in but not allowed access to the requested resource.SaltUtil salt.modules.saltutilSaltUtil.RunningInfo Info about a running job on a minionSaltVersion Represents a salt versionSchedule salt.modules.scheduleSchedule.Result Common result structure for scheduling functionsScheduledJob<R> Common class representing a scheduled job.ServerThread Representation of server thread statistics.Smbios salt.modules.smbiosSmbios.Record Holds the information returned by smbios.recordsSmbios.RecordType The type of the dmi records.SSHRawResult Wrapper class for salt-ssh raw calls results.SSHResult<T> Wrapper class for salt-ssh results.SSHTarget<T> Target interface for specifying a group of minions.StartTime StartDate is a convenience wrapper allowing for parsing of StartDate in the timezone appropriate to a given master.StartTimeAdapter Json adapter to handle the Job.StartTime date format given by netapiState salt.modules.stateState.ApplyResult Result type for state.applyStateApplyResult<R> Result structure as returned by state.apply to be parsed from event data.Stats Representation of CherryPy server statistics.StatsAdapter Json TypeAdapter for the Stats object received from the API.Status salt.modules.statusSystem salt.modules.system<T> Target interface for specifying a group of minions.TargetType Possible values for the tgt_type parameter in salt netapi calls.Test salt.modules.testTest.ModuleReport Availability report of all execution modulesTest.VersionInformation Version report of dependent and system softwareTimezone salt.modules.timezone Token containing authentication data.WebSocketEventStream Event stream implementation based on aClientEndpoint
WebSocket.WheelAsyncResult<R> Result of calling a wheel module function asynchronously.WheelCall<R> Class representing a function call of a salt wheel module.WheelResult<R> Wrapper around the wheel functions return type.Xor<L,R> Right biased disjunction mainly based on the Xor type from scala cats library.Xor.Left<L,R> Left branch of the XorXor.Right<L,R> Right branch of the XorXorTypeAdapterFactory TypeAdaptorFactory creating TypeAdapters for XorZonedDateTimeISOAdapter Adapter to convert an ISO formatted string to ZonedDateTimeZypper salt.modules.zypper The product information as returned by listProducts().